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Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E: office@stoneraise.cumbria.sch.uk
Stoneraise School's Curriculum

At Stoneraise School, our vision statement is:
‘Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.’
Our curriculum has been designed to focus the children’s learning on this statement. We are based on the rural outskirts of the historic city of Carlisle and the majority of our pupils travel from local housing estates within the city. We try to make the very most of our beautiful surroundings at every opportunity. From Hadrian’s Wall to the mountains of the Lake District, we ensure that our children gain an awe of the majestic landscape on our doorstep. Developing friendships, keeping ourselves safe and preparing our children to be the ‘citizens of tomorrow’ are all key parts of our curriculum as we follow the journey on our 'Pathway to Success'.
Our curriculum ensures excellent coverage of the National Curriculum (Years 1-6) and Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception children). We have fully embraced the higher expectations set out in both curriculums and have devised our own units of work for each subject area so that we can ensure a sound progression of learning. We also have a core team of specialist teachers who are passionate about their curriculum area; these teachers work with different groups of children each year. Our team includes PE, music, art and computing specialists.
As a teaching team, working alongside our dedicated team of governors, we have designed our curriculum so that we meet the children ‘where they are’; we seek to truly ‘learn together’ by gaining an understanding of what we know already, what we need/want to find out, how we are going to get there and how we know we’ve succeeded. Pupils share their views through a variety of pupil voice activities and our School Council actively works to improve our learning environment and develop teaching and learning through school. Our award-winning school garden is a haven for all pupils to become green-fingered and have an appreciation for nature.
Our ‘Sticky Knowledge’ approach is used to help children to be aware of what they will learn through each unit or topic and help staff and pupils to make an assessment of what has been learned. We share key knowledge that we would like to ‘stick’ in the children’s long term memory, present vital vocabulary they will come across to encourage the children to expand and develop their use of a wide range of words. Sticky notes (which include word banks, diagrams and other important information) are often used to support the children in the short term in their learning.
To ensure clear, cyclical, coherent and strategic curriculum progression, we have set out our curriculum with key learning and skills that will be revisited as the children move through Stoneraise School. Topics have been carefully selected to take into account our surroundings. An enquiry question is usually presented at the start of a topic then the children will begin to ask their own questions as we move through the sequence of learning. For instance, in History, we have a focus on the Romans. Our key question is, “What impact do the ancient Romans still have on us today?” Through this topic we explore the impact of the Romans on our society by exploring evidence from the past (using a wide range of artefacts and other primary and secondary sources). Taking this further, to help contextualisation, we visit local museums e.g. Senhouse Roman Museum and take the children to ‘touch the wall’ at Housesteads Fort. Meeting a Roman soldier on the wall is always a key highlight and this helps the children to literally ‘get their hands on’ the fantastic history of our nation. English Heritage even used our school in a promotional video for their website, interviewing our pupils about their learning on Romans. Although we have a topic-based approach, we do not want the study of history, geography, French etc, to be lost so we have maintained discrete lessons where the key driver for the lesson remains. We aim to tie our learning together, linking back to what we know already and exploring how what we are learning links to our historical timeline.
Through our assemblies, we explore key questions which link to our vision. For instance, “How can I achieve a growth mindset?”, “Where do people go to worship?”, “What do charities do?” and, “How can I help the environment?” Beginning each assembly with a piece from our ‘Composer of the Week’ gives the children the chance to experience a wide range of classical music, exploring the style, orchestral instruments involved and history of the composer. We welcome visitors from the community and further afield into school on a regular basis. Regular fundraising events for charities are commonplace and we act as a drop-off point of Carlisle Foodbank.
As we reside in such a rural location, we aspire to teach our children about the wider world. Giving the children opportunities to learn about others from different faiths, cultures, ethnicities and other life experiences is key to helping our children prepare for life in modern-day Britain. An annual visit to London gives our children the chance to see a multicultural metropolis and also helps to tie learning together through their time in Key Stage 2. Visiting the Tower London and seeing King Henry VIII’s armour, exploring the Houses of Parliament during a guided tour and even speaking to Nick Gibb (Schools Minister), helps our children to see first-hand the importance of our British Values. Other educational visits, residential and trips are all planned to take into account key learning that the children can acquire.
Inclusive Curriculum
At Stoneraise School, we believe that every child can make progress and achieve. We ensure that our curriculum and the teaching and learning opportunities provided meet the needs of all of our pupils. We respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs, and seek to identify potential barriers to learning quickly. We support parents through EHCP needs assessments and work closely with specialist teachers to ensure our curriculum is accessible. Targeted support through our Assess Plan Do Review cycle and resources are then used to ensure all pupils are engaged and confident learners. Pupils with SEND are monitored regularly and communication between pupils, parents, staff and external specialists underpins their success.
Curriculum Content
The Government introduced an updated National Curriculum, which started in September 2014. Stoneraise School follows this to ensure that all our pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum. To explore an overview of what will be covered in each year group, please click on your child's year group below:
How to find out more
The National Curriculum outlines what each child should be able to achieve by the end of every year during their time in school. Although the document is over 200 pages long, we have tried to produce a simplified version of what is expected by the end of each year group in reading, writing and maths. Parents must remember that this is not the whole curriculum, but the minimum expectation of what should be known and understood by your child as they progress through school.
To view the guides, please click the relevant link below:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6
The best way to see what we have been learning about is to scroll through our Instagram feed to see how many brilliant learning opportunities we create. You can also read our regular newsletters, weekly class email or speak to your child's class teacher.
You can view the Long Term Curriculum Plan for each class by clicking on the class names below:
Find out more...

To find out more about each subject which is taught in our curriculum, click on the links below to open a Curriculum Statement:
Remote Education
In the event of a national crisis or because a child is unable to attend school for another reason (not normal illnesses), it may be necessary to introduce remote education. Remote education should only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible, but pupils are able to continue learning. Members of the Senior Leadership Team will be in touch with parents to outline how remote learning will be used to enable the children to continue their studies. There will be a mix of live teaching using online platforms as well as the use of online resources provided by Oak National Academy and the BBC. Class teachers will set work and be in contact with parents via email.
Our broad and balanced curriculum
At Stoneraise School, we enrich our curriculum at every opportunity. We regularly go out of school on educational visits to bring the curriculum to life. Wherever possible, we bring experts into school so that the children can see how what they've been learning links to the real world.
This is a pictorial representation of our school curriculum:

You can scroll through what our curriculum looks like by scrolling through our Instagram feed below: