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Complaints Procedure

We, like every school, don’t get everything right all the time. If you do have a concern, your first steps are to speak to your child’s class teacher and then to the Head Teacher. Ideally all issues will be resolved at this stage. In rare incidences, where the complaint cannot be resolved informally, we would ask you to follow our Complaints Procedure. This can be downloaded from the Policy page of our website.


When handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEND), the school SENDCo (Mrs. Julie Paisley) will be able to assist in the first instance, along with other members of the Senior Leadership Team. Please contact the school office either by telephone (01228 712277) or email ( 


For complaints by parents and members of the public, please follow the above policy and if in doubt please refer any complaints to Mr. Coady, Head Teacher.





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T: 01228 712277        A: Stoneraise School | Durdar | Carlisle | CA5 7AT        E:       I: @stoneraise_school

Free paper copies of our policies can be obtained from the Office Manager - Irene Jones

Website and Content Copyright © 2024 by Stoneraise School

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