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Click the symbol in the top right hand corner to make the Padlet full screen.
Click the symbol in the top right hand corner to make the Padlet full screen.
Stoneraise School
'Living and learning together to care for each other and our world.'
T: 01228 712277 E:
Online Learning
We use a variety of online learning platforms at Stoneraise School. Children use them at school and home to develop their learning, deeper their understanding and build their reasoning skills. Here's an overview, written by a Year 6 child:
Mathletics is made by 3P Learning. It has a variety of different maths quizzes and tests. From addition and subtraction, to statistics. I think you should definitely get it for your pupils; it's necessary for better results.
"Mathletics switches kids on to maths. It’s engaging, supportive and targeted to the various National Curricula of the UK, from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 5.
Over 4.6 million students in over 20 000 schools love learning with us… and it’s no secret why!" Mathletics
Acclerated Reader is the newest member of our online learning family at Stoneraise. It is a programme that encourages children to read by reading a book, then once they have finished they do quizzes to gain points. There are many different prizes such as: certificates, stylus, pencil sharpener, squishy keyring and magnetic bookmark.
"Accelerated Reader gives teachers the information they need to monitor students’ reading practice and make informed decisions to guide their future learning." Accelerated Reader
Quick links to our Online learning platforms:
Written by children in Class Oak.